The city of Aliso Viejo is celebrating its sixteenth anniversary of original incorporating this upcoming Saturday, June 24 from 12 – 3 p.m. at the Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center. This family free event is offered to the entire Aliso Viejo real estate market and at the party you can enjoy excellent culinary choices, swimming in the pool and fun games and amusements – admission is free for the Aliso Viejo residents. On Wednesday, June 21 many people in the community of Aliso Viejo visited Jimboy’s Tacos, where the restaurant donated 20 percent of their sales to the First Maintenance Battalion at Camp Pendleton. Many of the city’s local veterans and military took advantage of food free of charge on that day.

During the month of July (10,17, 24 and 31), people living in any of the Aliso Viejo properties are welcomed to join the Mayor of the city at 5:45 p.m. at the Aliso Viejo Ranch for an hour-long walk. This will give you a great opportunity to speak with the Mayor (while getting in shape) as you walk across Aliso Viejo’s beautiful terrain and chat with friends and new acquaintances. On Friday, June 23 the fourteenth-annual Aliso Viejo Community Golf Tournament kicks off at 12:00, and beginning at 9:30 a.m. residents can enjoy drinks and lunch and after the tournament, eat to their hearts content at the banquet dinner. Proceeds from the tournament will benefit local Aliso Viejo youth programs, Aliso Viejo Community Foundation and the Aliso Viejo Family Resource center.