BanCorp Real Estate Group: A Purpose Driven Company
Serving others is better than serving ourselves.
In our second blog posting of our three part series of a discussion highlighting BanCorp’s Commitments to Service Excellence I want to zero in on one of our most important bullet points, which makes all of our exclusive right to sell contract unilateral: or in other words they can be cancelled by either party at any time. We are unaware of any other major real estate broker that offers this feature to their clientele, so why does BanCorp?
To us the answer is plain and simple: if our client changes their mind about selling their home for ANY reason we are not going to attempt to enforce the remaining term of our exclusive right to sell agreement. Maybe our service level did not meet their expectations and they want to use another broker, or possibly the market has softened and demand for the home has diminished, or maybe just simply the owner just go cold feet and decided that right now was not the right time. Whatever the reason, if a client elects to rescind a contract with BanCorp Realty, we will not be pushy or manipulative in an attempt to move the seller to continue on with the sale of the property.
We believe in the Principle of Innovation, we are not afraid to try different approaches to putting a transaction together when it is our client's best interest, stepping outside the box is not uncommon for us and if we are operating in our 'comfort zone' we feel we are simply too comfortable.
We will employ and retain only the most excellent talent in the industry, requiring that internal and external standards of conduct be met, constantly and consistently exceeding the expectations of our clientele.
A simple 'yes' or 'no' is all we need to say. We will never swear or use vulgar language. Our "Yes" means "Yes" and or "No" means "No". We can always be taken for our word. We are a company built on integrity, which is a balance between what we say and what we do, or a matter of consistency. We strive to be; caring, considerate and consistent at all times.
Gossiping in any form is not good and has the potential to ruin a transaction, and we employ a strict a no-gossip policy throughout our company. We also won't compare ourselves to other companies, we are who we are, and we aren't going to bend our standards to conform to the expectations of others. We don't believe in self-pride, but rather in serving our clients with care, decency, respect and the proper dose of humility. Attempting to manipulate a transaction through words is simply malice and is worse than gossip.
We are only as strong as our weakest link, and we have our weakest link covered.
We will be generous in the communities we serve; with our clients, with our vendors and with our employees and will never allow self-interest to sway a business decision or real estate transaction one way or another.
We can't please everybody and we aren't even going to try. We are not going to try and do something that even God can't do. Half the people are praying for sunshine, the other half are praying for rain. If God can't please everybody, we certainly can't.

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