We Can Better Serve Our Clients By Listening Better
A Realtor can’t (and won’t) secure their clients the results they are seeking if they don’t understand what their client is really interested in and looking for in first place. Traditionally this occurs when you have a Realtor who likes to listen to himself talk a lot, likes the way his voice sounds and thinks he can persuade anybody about anything – instead of being a listening real estate professional, with a genuine interest, who is truly catering to his clientele. For a Realtor to be truly excellent they have to do more listening than talking and ask more questions, as opposed to making more boasting statements. A good real estate agent listens to the initial question, follows it with a clarifying question and only then makes suggestions and recommendations to their client about how they can move forward concerning the real estate transaction that has presented itself.

What separates an average Realtor from an exceptional one? In my opinion, the best ones will ask questions and then shut-up and listen. The ordinary ones tend to ask a question and then jump in and start yakking some brilliant statement about how great they are and how magnificent their company is before the prospective client even has the opportunity to answer the initial question. If a client is ready to buy a home, how can the Realtor know what the person is really looking for if they are always popping-off and barking some “brilliant” statements about what awesome service they will give? An excellent Realtor is not unlike a waiter in a five-star restaurant when they are making suggestions on the wine list or taking the order. After carefully listening to the professional, the person at the table tells the waiter exactly what they want and the waiter goes and gets it for them – and then delivers. If the waiter does their job correctly, everybody is happy and the waiter gets paid.
The bottom line is this: God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. When a family is ready to buy or sell a home they are interested in their families needs – not the Realtors ego, and they can’t learn how the Realtor can meet their needs unless the Realtor knows what their real needs are – they don’t care what their Realtor knows until they know that their Realtor cares. If the real estate agent spends all their extremely valuable time in the initial or second interview spouting off about how great their company is and how much better they are than the other companies, talking ninety-percent of the time boasting about what they have done in the past, this might be potentially be a red-flag for a client to go ahead and speak with another real estate company – no one is that good are they?
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