BanCorp Properties and our team of Realtors would like to wish all of our past and existing clients a happy and prosperous year in 2018! We are very grateful for your repeat business and referrals that you are so kind to send to us. There is nothing more flattering to our company than to receive a referral from a past client - it tells us we are doing our jobs not just well, but up and above what is expected from an Orange County Real Estate Brokerage. We have extended our 25% Buyers Home Rebate Program through 2018 - which means we will rebate back to our client 25% of our commission that we receive when we represent them as a Buyer's Agent. This money really comes in handy for moving expenses and upgrades that the family may want to put into the property.
To our potential clientele that are considering using BanCorp Properties in 2018, we welcome your business and are proud to represent you in either the sale or purchase of our home. BanCorp has stood for easier and faster™ real estate since the formation of our organization in 1995. Easier and Faster™ is better than harder and slower every day of the week. Our goal has always been to heighten then client experience, to do all of the heavy lifting, and make the transaction go smoothly from start to finish. For sellers, they benefit from our unequaled marketing and exposure of the property through our website and social media sites. For buyers, they benefit from contacts and relationships that we have built up over the last 20+ years. To learn more about our company - please visit us at www.bancorprealty.com, or call one of our local Professionals at 949-632-7006.
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