Friday, December 19, 2014

Merry Christmas From BanCorp Properties

BanCorp Real Estate Group wishes you and your family a very Merry Christmas and certainly hopes you are able to enjoy this very special time of the year with family, friends and loved ones. Unfortunately the true meaning of Christmas gets lost during this last weekend while we are busy shopping and we forget that what we are really celebrating is the birth of Jesus Christ who was born a little over 2,000 years ago and has changed history more than any one who has ever walked on the earth.

Consider the following facts about Jesus Christ.

“More than nineteen hundred years ago, there was a man born contrary to the laws of life. This man lived in poverty and was reared in obscurity. He did not travel extensively. Only once did he cross the boundaries of the country in which he lived, and that was during his exile in childhood.”

“He possessed neither wealth nor influence. His relatives were inconspicuous. In infancy he startled a king. In childhood he puzzled lawyers.  In manhood he ruled the course of nature, and he hushed the seas to sleep. He healed the multitudes without medicine and made no charge for his service.”

“He never wrote a book, and yet all the libraries of the world could not hold the books that have been written about him. He never wrote a song, and yet he has furnished the theme for more songs than all the songwriters combined.”

“Once each week all over the world, wheels of commerce cease their turning and multitudes wind their way to worshiping assemblies to pay homage and respect to him.”

“The names of past proud statesmen of Greece and Rome have come and gone. The names of past scientist, philosophers and theologians have come and gone. But the name of this man abounds more and more. Though time has spread nineteen hundred years between people of this generation and the scene of his crucifixion, yet he still lives.” “Herod could not destroy him. The grave could not hold him. He stands forth upon then highest pinnacle of heavenly glory proclaimed by God, acknowledge by angels, adored by saints, feared by the evil one as the one living, personal, incomparable Jesus Christ.”

Merry Christmas

Greg Steinaker

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BanCorp Realty is a division of The Irvine Holding Company